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Emu Plains Public School

Emu Plains Public School

Our Children - Our Future

Telephone02 4735 1233


Positive behaviour for learning

Discipline policy


Everyone associated with Emu Plains Public School has the right to the highest standards of educational endeavour in a safe, secure and respectful environment; free of distractions and anti-social behaviour. When parents enrol their children at our school, they enter into a partnership with the school staff. This partnership is based on shared responsibility and mutual respect.


The expectations of the school and the community are that students will:

  • Apply themselves to learning, take responsibility for their actions and work together.
  • Show respect for self, teachers, adults, other students and property.
  • Comply with the school rules, discipline policy and accepted dress code of the school.
  • Behave in a safe way free of violence, discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • Respect and follow the laws of our society regarding travel on public roads, weapons, drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

This discipline policy sets out the strategies by which a quality education in a supportive, safe environment may be achieved.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying, racism and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.

Harassment and victimisation of students with disabilities is prohibited and of any student who has an associate with a disability.

Core rules

All students in NSW government schools are expected to:

  • Attend school every day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.
  • Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school's uniform or dress code policy.
  • Behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when traveling to and from school.
  • Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers including following school rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect.
  • Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

School rules

All students and staff have rights and responsibilities (see attachment A). The school rules are designed to ensure everyone's right to a safe, happy school where they are treated with fairness and dignity. 

Consequences (see attachment B)

The following behaviour management plan is a structured program of positive and negative reinforcement for students.

Compliance with school rules and expectations results in positive consequences. Disregard of school rules and expectations results in negative consequences.

Consequences will generally be appropriate in intensity and form to the behaviours concerned. Littering or over boisterous play may result in a time out with a teacher or community service around the school. Particularly cooperative, industrious or honest behaviour may result in awards or recognition on assemblies etc.

Students who hold positions of leadership and/or other special responsibility, for example captains, senior councillors, sports captains, library monitors, environment committee, student representative councillors, are expected to consistently demonstrate appropriate behaviours that uphold school rules and provide a positive role model for other students to follow.

Positive consequences

Positive consequences are awarded by teachers. On an informal basis they consist of teacher awards, supervisor awards and stickers etc. On a formal basis the following levels may be achieved by students who consistently model positive, cooperative behaviours and attitudes:

  • level one – all children start on this level and are entitled to represent the school and enjoy all privileges.          
  • supervisor – 10 teacher's awards
  • bronze – 20 teacher's awards
  • silver – 30 teacher's awards
  • gold – 40 teacher's awards.

There will be only one supervisor's certificate, which will be handed out in assembly. Gold and silver award winners attend a special morning tea at the end of the year. Gold award winners are listed in the newsletter.

Negative consequences

The standard of student behaviour is monitored by the learning and welfare (LAW) committee. This monitoring is achieved through the playground book system or classroom recording system where unacceptable student behaviour is noted and reported to the supervising assistant principal.

Entry into the playground book is a signal to the student that a formal warning has been given and a change in behaviour is necessary.

Behaviour may extend to and include online behaviour, where actions and words on the internet (or by electronic media) could harm others at this school. It includes students, teachers, staff, parents and friends. If conduct online is likely to harm others connected with the school, disciplinary action, whether it happens at school, home or elsewhere, may be applied.

Extreme and/or persistent cases of unmanageable, disruptive, dangerous or violent behaviour may require the immediate intervention of the principal in line with the Department of Education and Communities' Student Discipline in Government Schools policy (procedures for the suspension and expulsion of school students).

Bullying and cyber bullying (refer to anti-bullying policy)

The policy of the Department of Education and Communities is that all students and staff have the right to be treated fairly in an environment free from harassment and intimidation. Any student participating in bullying, and/or cyber bullying (abuse transmitted electronically such as email, SMS text messages or by other electronic means) will be subject to this school discipline policy, and the school anti bullying policy, in line with the Department of Education and Communities Student Discipline in Government Schools policy (Procedures for the suspension and expulsion of school students).

Illicit drugs at school

The policy of The Department of Education and Communities is that schools are places that are absolutely free of illicit drugs.

Any student found to be in possession of a suspected illegal substance will be suspended immediately in line with the Student Discipline in Government Schools policy (Procedures for the suspension and expulsion of school students).

The NSW police service will be contacted regarding the identification and disposal of any confiscated illicit substances.

Unsanctioned drugs at school

The policy of The Department of Education and Communities is that smoking is totally prohibited on school premises at any time and alcohol must not be consumed or brought on to school premises, under any circumstances, during school hours.

Any student found to be in possession of tobacco or alcohol at school will be dealt with as per the above discipline code and the Department's "Guidelines for Managing Drug Related Incidents in Schools".

Playground book/classroom recording system

These systems are used to document unacceptable behaviour. Children may receive an informal warning following discussion of rules and expectations.

Levels (see attachment B for details)

Starting level

All children start the school year at level 1 with all privileges and representative opportunities available. If rules are not followed and/or behaviour is inappropriate then the child may be placed on another level.

Behaviour warning

Letter to parents informing them of staff concerns with a copy of the discipline policy.

If no improvement then:

  • Level two – ineligible for awards, no school privileges, plus close monitoring of behaviour through contracts.

If no improvement:

  • level three – above sanctions plus withdrawal from playground.

If no improvement:

  • level four – intervention from principal.

Recognising and reinforcing student achievement

Strategies for the  recognition and reinforcement of student achievement at Emu Plains Public School are by no means exhaustive but will include:

  • Praise and recognition of appropriate effort in class activities through book awards on assembly
  • Merit certificates, stickers, visiting supervisors with good work to show, peer praise, positive written comments and recognition in books
  • Comprehensive ongoing reports and contact with parents and caregivers
  • Recognition in the local media and school newsletter
  • Student Representative Council and other leadership responsibilities

School programs and policies which support the discipline policy:

  • meetings of the LAW Committee
  • anti-bullying policy and associated activities
  • the "be a friend" program
  • the "buddies" program
  • "stop, think, do"
  • the "anti-racism" grievance procedures
  • school leadership roles including student representative council (SRC), environment committee and library monitors
  • enrolment procedures and documentation including "risk assessments" where appropriate
  • Emu Plains Public School student welfare handbook
  • values education in PDHPE classes.

Attachment A

Rights and responsibilities

Emu Plains Public School aims to provide an environment where the rights of the whole school community are respected.  It is the responsibility of the whole school community to contribute to the fulfilment of these rights.

Students have the right:

  • to be treated with respect
  • to not have my feelings hurt
  • to be listened to and believed
  • to hear the truth
  • to feel safe at all times
  • to expect that my property will be safe
  • to be happy and attend a happy school
  • to work and learn without being distracted
  • to work in a clean, tidy, pleasant environment.

Responsibilities of students are:

  • to treat others with respect
  • to not hurt the feelings of others
  • to listen to others and consider their point of view
  • to be honest
  • to not harm others, do dangerous things or be in an unsupervised area
  • to respect the property of others
  • to be pleasant and polite to others
  • to not distract myself or others from my learning tasks
  • to care for the school environment and keep the playground and classrooms clean and tidy.

Attachment B

Gold level occurs when a student earns 40 teacher's awards to achieve a gold award presentation. At this level, there is a presentation of the award at assembly, attends a special morning tea and is listed in the newsletter.

Silver level occurs when a student earns 30 teacher's awards to achieve a silver award presentation. At this level, there is a presentation of the award at assembly and the student attends a special morning tea.

Bronze level occurs when a student earns 20 teacher's awards to achieve a bronze award presentation. At this level there is a presentation of the award at assembly.

Supervisors occur when a student earns 10 teacher's awards. When a student reaches this level the student is presented with an award by a supervisor at assembly.

All students begin each school year at level one.

Level one occurs when a student respect the rights of others and fulfils responsibilities according to school rules. They then become eligible for teacher's awards and their school report reflects behaviour.

Warning for level two occurs when a student causes concern. This can be because of disruptive and/or unacceptable behaviour in playground or classroom or disobeying teachers. The student is then referred by teacher or playground book to supervisor. Supervisor interviews student to attempt to resolve problem and a letter is sent home to parents warning of possible placement on level two. The student also gets a warning that badge of office, and associated tasks and privileges, may be removed until behaviour improves as well as becoming ineligible for teacher's awards.

After 2 weeks, at the discretion of the supervisor, student returns to level one or is dropped to level two.

Level two occurs after a student repeatedly causing disruption in class or ongoing entries in the playground book. Failing to take responsibility for improving behaviour to meet school expectations and responsibilities can also contribute.

Once a student gets to level two, their behaviour is discussed by the learning and welfare committee (LAW).

The sanctions for a student being on level two are:

  • Becoming ineligible for teacher's awards.
  • Student forfeits rights to participate in out of school activities for example selection to represent school at special events, to attend camps or discos.
  • Parents informed and involvement sought. Student monitored daily by assistant principal via playground and or classroom contracts.
  • Student who returned to level one will immediately be placed on level two or higher should their behaviour cause further concern (students are ineligible for another warning to level two for that term).
  • Removal of badge of office, and associated tasks and privileges, until returned to level one.
  • Repeated returns to level two may result in permanent decommissioning at the discretion of the LAW team.

After 2 weeks, at the discretion of the supervisor, student returns to level one or is dropped to level three.

Level three occurs when a student is continuing to ignore the rights of others in the school or they are not cooperating in taking responsibility for behaviour and schooling. It could also occur if a student participants in serious misbehaviour or an incident such as fighting.

This will then result in an interview with student, teacher, supervisor and LAW team representative. Daily monitoring of student behaviour by supervisor is continued.  Counsellor referral/intervention of outside support agencies instigated through LAW committee if deemed appropriate.

The sanctions for a student on level three are:

  • Student withdrawn from playground and all school activities outside the classroom. They are to be supervised by school executive.
  • Removal of badge of office, and associated tasks and privileges, until returned to level one.
  • May be permanently decommissioned at discretion of the LAW team.
  • After a minimum of 2 weeks, at the discretion of the supervisor/LAW team, student returns to level two or proceeds to level four.

A student is put on level four if they continue to have unacceptable behaviour. This results in principal intervention as well as removal of badge of office, and associated tasks and privileges, permanently decommissioned.