At Emu Plains Public School, our daily schedule is:
8:35am - 9.05am - Morning play
9:05am - 11.05am - Classes start morning session
11:05am - 11:15am - Recess eating time
11:15am - 11:35am - Recess play time
11:35am - 1:25pm - Class resumes middle session
1:25pm - 1:35pm - Lunch eating
1.35pm - 1:55pm - Lunch play time
1.55pm - 2:55pm - Classes resume
2.55pm - Home time
Morning supervision begins at 8.35am, where students are welcome to put their bags on the hooks and walk to the North Cola or North Oval to play until the bell for the beginning of class rings.
Our office is staffed from 8.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.